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20 Livros Chave de Inteligência Competitiva - 20 Key Books in Competitive Intelligence

20 Livros Chave de Inteligência Competitiva - 20 Key Books in Competitive Intelligence

Inteligência competitiva é um campo no qual há muito a se aprender. E ler é um excelente caminho para isso. Os títulos aqui alistados são muito interessantes e não se deixe levar pelo ano da publicação. Alguns deles já contém novas edições, é só pesquisar.

Visão Geral
The New Competitor Intelligence: The Complete Resource for Finding, Analyzing, and Using Information About Your Competitors
1996 - Fuld, L. Wiley - New York

Competitive Intelligence: How to Gather, Analyze, and Use Information to Move Your Business to the Top
1998 - Kahaner, L. - Carmichael - CA:Touchstone Books

Business Intelligence Braintrust. Millenium Intelligence Understanding and Conducting Competitive Intelligence in the Digital Age
2000 - Miller, J. Medford, NJ: Cyberage Books

The Complete Guide to Competitive Intelligence
2002 - Tyson, K. 2nd ed.Chicago: Leading Edge Publications

Adquirindo Informações

Super Searchers on Competitive Intelligence: The Online and Offline Secrets of Top CI Researchers
2003 - Barr, M.M. e R. Basch - Medford, NJ: CyberAge Books

Online Competitive Intelligence: Increase Your Profits Using Cyber-Intelligence
1999 - Burwell. H., Ernst, C.R. e M. Snakey - Tempe, AZ: Facts on Demand Press

Confidential: Uncover Your Competitors’ Top Business Secrets Legally and Quickly - and Protect Your Own
1999 - Nolan, J. A. III - New York: HarperBusiness

Web-Based Analysis for Competitive Intelligence
2000 - Vibert, C. - Westport, CT:Quorum Books


Competitors: Outwitting, Outmaneuvering, and Outperforming
1999 - Fahey, L. - New York:John Wiley and Sons

Strategic and Competitive Analysis: Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition
2003 - Fleisher, C.S. e B. Bensoussan - Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall

Business Intelligence Using Smart Techniques: Environmental Scanning Using Data Mining and Competitor Analysis Using Scenarios and Manual Simulation
2001 - Halliman, C - Houston,TX:Information Uncover

Competitor Intelligence:Turning Analysis into Success
1999 - Hussey, D. and P. Jenster - Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons


War by Other Means: Economic Espionage in America
1999 - Fialka,J.F. - New York: W.Norton

Protecting Your Company Against Competitive Intelligence
1998 - McGonagle, J.J. and C.M Vella - Westport, CT: Quorum - Books

Corporate Espionage: What It Is, Why It Is Happening in Your Company, What You Must Do About It
1997 - Winkler, I. Prima - Rocklin, CA

Washington Researchers Ltd. How Competitors Learn Your Company’s Secrets
1998 - Researchers Ltd - Washington, D.C.: Washington

Sistemas e Gerenciamento de Dados

Information Technology for Knowledge Management.
1998 - Borgoff, U. and R. Pareschi - Berlin: Springer Verlag

Assessing Competitive Intelligence Software: A Guide to Evaluating CI Technology
2003 - Bouthillier, F., and K. Shearer - Information Today Inc

Decision Support Systems and Intelligence Systems
1999 - Turban, E. and J. Aronson - Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise
2003 - Waltz, E. - Boston: Artech House

Leituras Recomendadas
Fuld, Leonard M. The New Competitor Intelligence: The Complete Resource for Finding, Analyzing, and Using Information about Your Competitors, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

Gilad, Ben. "An Ad Hoc, Entrepreneurial CI Model," Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 3(4), 2000, 33-39. Online at

Herring, Jan P., Measuring the Effectiveness of Competitive Intelligence: Assessing & Communicating CI's Value to Your Organization, 2nd edition, SCIP Publications, 1999.

Horowitz, Richard. Competitive Intelligence and the Economic Espionage Act: A Policy Analysis, SCIP Publications, 1999. Online at

Miller, Jerry P. et al., Millennium Intelligence: Understanding and Conducting Competitive Intelligence in the Digital Age, CyberAge Books, 2000.

Porter, Michael E., Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, The Free Press, 1980.

Prescott, John E. and Stephen H. Miller (eds.), Proven Strategies in Competitive Intelligence: Lessons from the Trenches, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, 2000/'01 Competitive Intelligence Professionals Salary Survey and Reference Guide on Analyst Job Descriptions, SCIP Publications, 2001. Summary
online at

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